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Call the Midwife Episode 6

Monday, May 6, 2013

                                                                                                                                                         Sunday May 5th original airdate on PBS.    

Dr Turner manages to get Poplar included in the mass X-ray screening programme for TB. Meanwhile, Jenny's district nursing rounds introduce her to a family who have been devastated by the disease.

My favorite quote from the episode was by Sister Monica Joan: "Speak of the sun...and so it shines."

This episode included a mobile X-ray van that was set up to screen for TB (tuberculosis), which was still a devastating disease during the 1950's in parts of London, as well as the rest of the world.


One of the nun's x-rays indicates she has TB.

Also in this episode, there was a patient of Nonnatus House/ Poplar clinic who was almost full term in her pregnancy and had managed to hide it from her co-worker's at a secretarial pool.  She ends up returning home to her father's, which is a home above the pub he owns and runs. He is dying and they have a lot of animousity between them, however they manage to make peace before he dies.  Which is good because he then leaves her the pub which secures a future for both the woman and her new child.

Next week on Call the Midwife Chummy returns to London.

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